Pinned object won't follow.

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From the Asset Store
This is a single chapter from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection". It is the Student Workbook for its Workshop.
  • I am frustrated with how this happens. I have removed everything else, and dumbed down the events so much, but it still happens.

    I don't know why it happens. I am likely missing something.

    But the capx can be found on

    (I have made sure that it has no 3rd party plugins but I can't be 100% sure)

    However, here's a screenshot of the events, the entire thing that is left.

    To reproduce:

    click on the spritefont "CLICK HERE". You can see that one menu moves to another position. However, the purple Selection of one button (named Selected in the events) isn't following along despite that it is still pinned to the button (ToolbarButton in events).

    Container is Tiled Background.

    ToolBarButton (sprite) is pinned to Container.

    Selected (sprite) is pinned to ToolBarButton.

    I have verified in a new fresh capx with the nesting of pinning and it "should" work as a concept. So it is likely something I am missing.

    Thank you kindly.

  • Remove the last 2 action (cut them) related to "Selected" then paste to new condition as following:

  • Is the update working for you?

    It isn't working for me.

    I tried to put the new condition under the old one, and by itself, but neither "stay pinned".

    EDIT: replaced wrong image

  • It's the Anchor behaviour on ToolBarButton, it doesn't like it. You can't force a position with Anchor while at the same time tell it to move.

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  • OH FIGURES! Thanks.

    I removed the anchor, seems I don't need it in that case.

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