Hello. I was trying to make an 'explosion' using physical (something like the explosion of aliens that video, but not the small pieces, large pieces) but did not get the result even look, someone who understands physics can help?
Alien video: https://tutsplus.github.io/bringing-you ... tion-9.mp4
capx: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/206 ... osion.capx
I don't think this expression does what you think it does:
angle(monster.X, monster.Y, random(360), random(360))[/code:edvl1pbf] This is getting the angle between your monster position and a random point with X and Y coordinates not exceeding 360. All parameters for the angle() expression represent coordinates, not angles. Replace the previous expression with this expression and you should have pieces properly flying in random directions: [code:edvl1pbf]random(360)[/code:edvl1pbf]
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You can also use the bullet-behavior for the pieces (needs less ressources then gravity and is easier to handle, i think *g*).
Edit: Hmm... Attaching a file does not work at the moment... Use THIS LINK to download the .capx
Tnks guys =)