particle genertaor rotation

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From the Asset Store
19 glow particle sprites in 4 colors and different shapes.
  • I have created an particle emitter which i rotate towards the player when a key is pressed using

    Setangletoward(player.x,player.y) it works perfectly but now when i try to direct the particle emitter away from the player using Setangletoward(-player.x,-player.y) it wont work...! what am i doing do i fix this..

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • I have created an particle emitter which i rotate towards the player when a key is pressed using

    Setangletoward(player.x,player.y) it works perfectly but now when i try to direct the particle emitter away from the player using Setangletoward(-player.x,-player.y) it wont work...! what am i doing do i fix this..

    <img src="" border="0" />


    Setangletoward(player.X,player.Y) - 180

  • Thank you for the quick reply but I tried that.....

    even tried -90 & -360 for good measure... it wont work..

    I m not being allowed to post URL / Images so m not able to show u screen grabs..

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