OK, a Few Physics Questions...

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Simple yet very life-like rag doll made with Physics!
  • I'm using the Physics system to control a ball in my game...working so far, but got a few random questions:

    1. When rolling on a sprite based Object (Land Block), the screen tends to 'wobble' a slight bit...does that have something to do with the Bounding Masks? or the actual sprites (Ball and Land Block)

    2. Can you use the 'Jump Thru' feature/action on a Object with the Physics action enabled? If I set the Object to 'Inmovable', I can't 'Jump Thru' to the next Object like I want too.

    3. While using the basic Physics movement to 'Jump' the ball (Apply Physics Impluse at (x,y) at image point 0), it makes the ball 'Jump', but at the same time it will continue to do so every time you press the button (up arrow in my case). Is there a way/command to make the ball do it only once in the air?

    Again, thanks for any help.

  • One thing that users do and shouldn't, is mix the normal behaviors with physics. As the manual states, they are not really compatible, and will produce random and undesirable results.

    If you intend to use physics, then all movemnt etc should be done using physics also.

  • ShinobiSlash in regards to your third question, I would suggest adding another condition to the 'Jump' event where your player object must be colliding (touching) with a ground object (or other platform) as well as pressing the 'jump' button. This should solve your infinite jump issue (I had a similar one).

    Hope this helps a bit!

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  • One thing that users do and shouldn't, is mix the normal behaviors with physics. As the manual states, they are not really compatible, and will produce random and undesirable results.

    If you intend to use physics, then all movemnt etc should be done using physics also.

    Yea, I understand that...but what else to use besides 'Jump Thru'? I'm going to try 'moveable' and 'inmoveable' options.

    ShinobiSlash in regards to your third question, I would suggest adding another condition to the 'Jump' event where your player object must be colliding (touching) with a ground object (or other platform) as well as pressing the 'jump' button. This should solve your infinite jump issue (I had a similar one).

    Hope this helps a bit!

    Not quite sure on what to use...should I use 'Enable collisions' with all the Ground objects in the Jump Keyboard action? If you want me to post photo, lemme know.

    But I really don't understand why they didn't address this in the Platform Physics tutorial...

    Will using timers solve it?

  • Ok guys, I figured it out...I used the 'Overlapping' action. Thanks and repped!

    Still working on the Jump Thru stuff...

  • Glad you figured things out! With regards to finding the jump through, maybe try looking for some tutorials on physics based platformers, I'm 90% sure there is one out there.

    Here are a couple I just found, they might have what you need!

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/273/ho ... platformer

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/333/gr ... tform-game

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