How do I OGG good?

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  • 4 posts
  • Hello!

    I know this has been discussed countless times, ogg is not supported in html5 exports and that is fine,

    but I read here that:

    [quote:14jy4kjs]Construct 2 will automatically encode the AAC files (.m4a) for you, ensuring IE + Edge compatibility for audio.

    When exactly does this conversion happen?

    Does it actually include the .m4a files in the export or does it convert the .ogg sounds on the fly after downloading the assets?

    My issue is that HTML5 builds that use .ogg files attempt to download the music as .m4a in the url. These files obviously don't exist in the build so playing music on Edge doesn't work.


    If you import a WAV file, C2 will create a .ogg and a .m4a file for you. Both are included in the project. If you are doing it manually, you have to import both formats.

  • Hello!

    I know this has been discussed countless times, ogg is not supported in html5 exports and that is fine,

    but I read here music-dont-work-under-edge_t152506 that:

    [quote:3t7e60ph]Construct 2 will automatically encode the AAC files (.m4a) for you, ensuring IE + Edge compatibility for audio.

    When exactly does this conversion happen?

    Does it actually include the .m4a files in the export or does it convert the .ogg sounds on the fly after downloading the assets?

    My issue is that HTML5 builds that use .ogg files attempt to download the music as .m4a in the url. These files obviously don't exist in the build so playing music on Edge doesn't work.

    The majority of what you are asking is covered here:

    As the manual states, C2 will encode both ogg and .m4a files if the file imported is a .wav and your OS is Windows 7 and above.

    You can also use software such as Audacity to encode and convert between formats prior to import.

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  • Thanks! The problem is definitely [quote:1zsc0v1d]Construct 2 will not trans-code .m4a files to .ogg nor .ogg files to .m4a

    I'm assuming the dev imported .ogg files directly so they stayed only as ogg files.

    Browser compatibility is a female dog, eh?

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