Objects become invisible when set on the layout [FIXED]

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  • Hey guys, thanks for clicking on my post

    There is an issue that is annoying me. I'm designing some levels and some objects become invisible when placed and the grid disappears. Check it out:

    On this first one everything is fine, notice that the grid is set and showing

    On this other one, though, I've set the Player object on to the layout on layer Game. The grid became invisible and the object Player too. It also happens with the enemy objects.

    First I thought it could be something about the objects size, but some objects with the exact same size don't bug.

    Hope I can fix this soon, thank you for your attention!

  • Try setting your player to the topmost layer.

    By the way, is that Shigeru Miyamoto's body with your face in it in your avatar?

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  • Try setting your player to the topmost layer.

    By the way, is that Shigeru Miyamoto's body with your face in it in your avatar?

    I fixed it! Thank you for your reply. It was indeed something about the Z-order, I messed around a bit and got it right. I can't say for sure what was causing the problem, but what fixed it was putting the SpriteFont on the top (in my case, the level name over the screen). It was on the bottom of the layer and this for some reason was causing this problem.

    And... yeah. I like putting my face on celebrities. This is my face on Vin Diesel's: http://imgur.com/kVoDDhW

    As Miyamoto is a game designer, I figured it would be perfect for a profile picture in a game developing forum

    Wow, nice eye. You're the absolute first to notice it (I use this picture almost everywhere)

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