All objects became small after sending the project to my another laptop

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  • I have laptop and pc. So I did one project in my pc and send it to my usb flash-drive, then I send the project to my laptop, opened it using Construct 2 and all the objects became small. when I run prewiew, they return to their original size, also I seen if the object is selected, you can see it's original size, but it still isn't comfortable to work with that small objects. How do i can return their size? My first topic in this forum, and I'm don't know english well, so probably i can make some mistakes in this text.

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  • I'm not sure how to solve your issue, but I'd be willing to bet the cause is somethng to do with the resolution of your screens on each device, I had this same issue when sending a capx to a second pc at my studio but haven't managed to solve it yet, hopefully someone can help more than myself, then i'll be able to fix it on my pc too.

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