How do I make an object go forwards then fall down?

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Go kart
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  • The question doesnt make sense because i didnt have enough space for the whole question XD. But i was wondering if someone could help me make this. I want powerups to fly towards the person and get effected by gravity, kind of like if an enemy would walk toward you while jumping. i dont know if that makes any sense but i would like help. Thanks in advanced!

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  • The question doesnt make sense because i didnt have enough space for the whole question XD. But i was wondering if someone could help me make this. I want powerups to fly towards the person and get effected by gravity, kind of like if an enemy would walk toward you while jumping. i dont know if that makes any sense but i would like help. Thanks in advanced!

    1 you probably have to apply physics behaviour on the powerups sprites, and apply force to them towards player posittion (easy way to apply, tasking on the hardware...

    2 if powerup is close to player>move powerup sprite towards position to x pixels, (instead of x use any simple geometry formula just to give it some acceleration, optional just for juicing)

  • > The question doesnt make sense because i didnt have enough space for the whole question XD. But i was wondering if someone could help me make this. I want powerups to fly towards the person and get effected by gravity, kind of like if an enemy would walk toward you while jumping. i dont know if that makes any sense but i would like help. Thanks in advanced!


    1 you probably have to apply physics behaviour on the powerups sprites, and apply force to them towards player posittion (easy way to apply, tasking on the hardware...

    2 if powerup is close to player>move powerup sprite towards position to x pixels, (instead of x use any simple geometry formula just to give it some acceleration, optional just for juicing)

    Dude thanks so much! I feel so stupid because of how obvious the solution was

  • Dude thanks so much! I feel so stupid because of how obvious the solution was

    glad it helped !

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