Nwkit file size

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  • why is the filesize of node webkit exportet games that much ? also is not there a way for a single file ? :00

  • I believe the Node Web Kit, exports a compacted browser with your game so that can then play your C2 game all in one.

    Also it exports various versions for mac, win etc so you can delete the ones you don't need...

  • well thats one thing but in the win32 folder there are dll and pk files.

    maybe ashley could shrink its file size of all objects and try to add a option to have ONE file like in construct classic..

    i mean even if you only add a simple green square and export your project the win32 folder is 50 and more MB .. thats way too much for my internet connection to upload :D

  • -1 to this idea.

    Please do not enforce further auto-packaging of the EXE for everyone using C2 ;-(

    You can achieve such effect with some external exe compressing tools, I believe. Or with any installer - INNO setup, NULLsoft installer etc.

    The way NWKit works right now, is - from my perspective - really comfortable - you can unpack the package.nw (which is a ZIP file anyway) and have direct R/W access to your assets at runtime, without any issues.

    Does it matter? It does when you have 300Mb+ of audio/images. Running the app with a compressed set of assets adds a big couple of seconds to the startup time - annoying on slower machines. And much easier with updates, at least at dev stage.



  • Node-webkit is big because it contains the entire Chromium browser engine. I don't think the size is particularly important because of the prevalence of broadband, especially given platforms like Steam regularly deliver games in the gigabytes. Even if you think it's a problem, why not let the user use their existing browser, and publish is as a HTML5 website?

  • you can easily unpack someones work in form of assets ? cool ..

    but would be so hard to add a real windows exporter or make it to one file ?

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  • burningcake

    The idea is if you want to do that you can, rather than make every one have to use a specific installation method.

  • burningcake

    The idea is if you want to do that you can, rather than make every one have to use a specific installation method.

    i dont understand :(

    if its possible to get those webkit stuff in one executable file im lucky :D

    also i mean a prtable single exe file not a installer..

  • Sorry, no there will probably always be some misc files, dlls etc. separate.

    I meant a third party installer. There are literally hundreds to choose from.

    To be honest I wish the Node-Webkit exporter didn't do the zip thing.

    I'd prefer to make the manifest myself.

  • Sorry, no there will probably always be some misc files, dlls etc. separate.

    I meant a third party installer. There are literally hundreds to choose from.

    To be honest I wish the Node-Webkit exporter didn't do the zip thing.

    I'd prefer to make the manifest myself.


    yeah its really uncool that the assets are that unsafe :O

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