How do I did not detect collision of one sprite behind another?

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  • I don't know if I can explain very well, but come on.

    Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with the collision of sprites.

    In the gif below we see that while the character is in the water he stays on a boat, and when he goes to land the boat disappears. here we notice that while the character is not colliding with the water the boat does not appear and see

    in my test this does not happen when the game starts block 1 collides with block 3 even though it is on top of block 2 without contact with block 3

    does anyone have any idea how I could make block 1 not collide over block 2, but only when it is actually colliding with block 3

    here is my code even adding solid in the sprites doesn't seem to work, it may seem like a foolish mistake but I can't make it.

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  • Hi, I think I get your problem, it is because even if on top of your boat, the player is still overlapping the water, the overlapping doesn't take in account the z elevation, all those 3 objects are currently overlapping, what you need to do is use inverted condition, example : player is overlapping water + player is not overlapping boat, so the game can make the difference

  • Hi, I think I get your problem, it is because even if on top of your boat, the player is still overlapping the water, the overlapping doesn't take in account the z elevation, all those 3 objects are currently overlapping, what you need to do is use inverted condition, example : player is overlapping water + player is not overlapping boat, so the game can make the difference

    English is not my native language, could you show me an example?

    that's what i have now when the square comes out the game will be over

  • Alright, what is your language so I can make it easier for you to understand?

    Also tell me if I get it right : the goal of your game is that the player doesn't touch the blue zone, right?

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