OK, a bit of a dramatic post title but here's the thing. I have completed layout 1(called Level1) and duplicated it to use as a template for layout 2 (called level 2). The Objects box clearly states "All 'level 2' objects" but when I edit an image in the Objects box for level 2 it also edits the corresponding image in level 1. Worse, if you delete an object in the level 2 Objects window, it deletes the original in level 1. So, can somebody tell me how I can duplicate a layout and edit the objects in there so that they ONLY change in the layout I am editing them in?
Because if I have to add a whole bunch of new objects and cannot remove any of the existing ones that they are designed to replace, what is the point of duplicating a layout? You're only creating an ever-increasing list of objects that have no value in the current layout but that you can't remove. How do you remove the symbolic link to the original object in layout 1?
Any guidance gratefully appreciated...