Hi guys,
I'm still trying to grasp the concept of UID and understand how to use them efficiently.
In a previous thread I was suggested to use the new LineOfSight behaviour (introduced in version r134 of Cosntruct2) instead of creating my own radius and cone like I did below:
<img src="http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8425/xhmn.jpg" border="0" />
In this example, when the playable character overlaps the radius or the cone, the enemy is alerted and start chasing the PC.
I tried using the new LineOfSight behaviour to simulate the same behaviour I created above. But only one enemy detects the PC, and once the PC is detected, all enemies start chasing the PC.
I was wondering how I could maybe retrieve the UID(s) of the enemy(enemies) that has(have) the PC in line of sight. That way I could send that UID to a function that would trigger the chase.
I have created a small example of what I'm trying to achieve:
<img src="http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/2535/g42f.jpg" border="0" />
The problem here is that no enemy is really picked and don't know how to use the Line of Sight behaviour to simulate the same logic I created before.
Capx: dropbox.com/s/gby01uxyhx4a4cc/UID-hwcq5c1jzcyv.capx
Thanks a lot for your help!