I need to make a Character Menu

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From the Asset Store
Menu for up to 4 players to join with keyboard and gamepads!
  • I am trying to make a Character Menu but I'm having a problem with it because when I click on the "Select" button It doesn't destory the Character I want in the game itself.

    By the way, all the characters has the same animations and they're all the same just has a different picture, It's an autorunner game.

    Anyways, hope I can get it work very soon..

  • someone please?

  • be more specific or post url capx file or show example from other game..

    what you mean " I am trying to make a Character Menu but I'm having a problem with it because when I click on the "Select" button It doesn't destroy the Character I want in the game itself."

    so you need to click character in game and then destroy ?

    make a container button when click destroy the character!! OR use mouse right click when click on character destroy it

  • be more specific or post url capx file or show example from other game..

    what you mean " I am trying to make a Character Menu but I'm having a problem with it because when I click on the "Select" button It doesn't destroy the Character I want in the game itself."

    so you need to click character in game and then destroy ?

    make a container button when click destroy the character!! OR use mouse right click when click on character destroy it

    No, I mean I need to make a Character Menu Screen where I can select different Characters, and when I press the Button it will replace the current character in my game to the character I've selected in the Character Menu Screen.

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  • use animation frame..

    did you know how?

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