How to make multiplayer?

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  • I am making a MMORPG game, and i want to know how do you make one?

    like if i create my character, and I load it on chrome browser, and when i create my character and load it on Microsoft Edge browser, it doesn't show the other character

    are there any tutorials out there?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The best way to start is with the multiplayer example that construct 2 has. You might have to change browser types if it's not working. Hope that helps and good luck! multiplayer is a pain!!! LOL

  • When I run the layout in the same browser, it works.

    but when i try to run the layout in chrome and firefox it doesn't work.

  • When I run the layout in the same browser, it works.

    but when i try to run the layout in chrome and firefox it doesn't work.

    Well that I'm not sure why it does that. Do you need it to be chrome? If not I would go with what works or try the same project in construct 3. I think you can run the project om free version just to test

  • if i open the game twice in firefox it works, and same for chrome.

    but it doesnt work when i have one open in chrome and other in firefox.

  • ahh... I see, well that's interesting. I'm no expert with multiplayer so I can't help with that. Still trying to get mine to work for my ccg and like I said... it's a pain! Best of luck to getting some answers

  • Yeah on chrome it shows the host visible, and on the firefox it shows the peer is invisible.

    It is a pain, ah well xD will figure it out

  • on my mmorpg, i have three classes

    i have multiplayer in my game, when i click mage icon, it is suppose to create the mage character but it doesn't do it for the peer.

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