I'd say it's not supported.
But there's a way to fake multidimensionality in dictionary and array
You can save as a value, the JSON from a dictionary or an array
For instance
if I have an array named levels
and one dictionary per mob in my game (containers) named mobData
And let say I want to save everything in my level array
You can do
system: foreach mobs:
levels: set value at (level,loopindex) to mobData.AsJson
And to read this data you just need a temporary dictionary (tmpDict)
So to get the data of the 3rd mob of level 3 you would do something like:
tmpDict: Load levels.At(2,2)
And then you can access any key you want hence faking and array of dictionary. You could have dictionaries of dictionaries of dictionaries, or array of dictionaries of array, any combinaison.
The only downside is that the JSON is harder to make by hand (multiple level of escaping) and also the access is a bit expensive since you have to load a JSON each time