How do I make moving platforms?

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From the Asset Store
A pack of 76 platform designs for a platformer game with a mushroom/jungle theme
  • I know there is a tutorial on this somewhere, I just cannot find it.

    I want to make my platforms go back and forth.

    Ashley makes the snails move back and forth in his tutorial with invisible boxes. Is this the same technique that I would use to move platforms?

    Would this affect the Player if he happens to run into one of them?


  • Raybrite

    I know there is a tutorial on this somewhere, I just cannot find it.

    I want to make my platforms go back and forth.

    Ashley makes the snails move back and forth in his tutorial with invisible boxes. Is this the same technique that I would use to move platforms?

    Would this affect the Player if he happens to run into one of them?


    Have you looked at the built-in examples and templates?

    One of the 'Platform' templates includes moving platforms.

    Start a New project. In the search box type 'platform', It's the second template down called 'Template:Platformer'.

  • I'll try that.


  • I think I have enough information to figure it out from that one.

    Thanks again. You seem to always be there for me and it is very appreciated.


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  • A little trick I like to use sometime is cosp()

    cosp(a,b,x) basically will move a platform from a to b in timeframe x and then back again , either up and down or left and right .

    ex: system.everytick-->sprite.set x cosp(50,400,time/3) or sprite.set y cosp(100,400,time/3)

    its fast and easy and only uses 1 event , you can change the time it takes with the last parameter .

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