Luftrauser style control scheme

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  • Hi guys,

         So Im back to using construct and having a few problems. One of the ways I get used to the software Im using is to recreate small examples of my favorite games(just for fun). And Im stuck. Im trying to make controls similar to this But I cant seem to get the physics right. I have the plane rotating how I want, and I have it accelerating kind of how I want it to. But when I release the thrust button it doesn't slow down, and it stops reacting to gravity (using the physics behavior). Any ideas on what Im missing? Or an example of how this would be achieved?

    Thanks a ton,


  • what are you doing to move the plane when you use thrust? Perhaps what you SHOULD do is choose "Apply force/impulse" while the button is down

  • Hmmm, Ill try that. Currently I have it set to accelerate forward, and then when it rotates it rotates the angle of movement and the image. Im still stuck in the ways of the older programs Ive used haha. Thanks for the reply, Ill check it out and let you know if it works!

  • Also: Luftrausers is super freaking awesome are you excited about the release next month?

  • what are you doing to move the plane when you use thrust? Perhaps what you SHOULD do is choose "Apply force/impulse" while the button is down

    Alright, that seems to work for thrusting, but as soon as I rotate is just spins wildly, completely out of control. And Ideas?

  • Also: Luftrausers is super freaking awesome are you excited about the release next month?

    I am! Vlambeer and Ska studios are the 2 studios I look up to most. They both make amazing games! I was addicted to Luftrausers for a while. Im sure Ill get sucked in with this new release. It looks freaking amazing!!

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  • hmmm could you post a link to the .capx? Are you applying the force at the same angle the plane is rotated at?

    I played the latest demo at SXSW this weekend, it was really good, they improved the bejeezus out of it.

  • I am not.. That could be the issue. And I can, let me set it up.

    Thats the main reason I moved to construct, the other programs I have used in the past dont have enough juice to make games like that. Construct is amazing!


    Dont mind the graphics haha, Like I said, this is just to try to get the hang of construct again. Its been a while!

  • Got something working, it needs tuning though

    Added some linear and angular damping so it felt a little less slippery, what seems to be working for the angle is applying a force to the thrust point you created, pointed towards the origin. To give it a little more stability I added two more force points at the two rear corners, also towards the origin.

  • Cool, thanks, unfortunately I cant open it.. haha. It says you are using a newer version. But Im up to date I think? I almost got it to work too using accelerate in the custom controls. Works really well actually, other than I cant figure out how to make it slow down when not thrusting.

  • Got something working, it needs tuning though

    Added some linear and angular damping so it felt a little less slippery, what seems to be working for the angle is applying a force to the thrust point you created, pointed towards the origin. To give it a little more stability I added two more force points at the two rear corners, also towards the origin.

    I feel like Im making something super easy way too complicated... haha

  • What version are you using? I'm on r121.

    To make it slow down when not thrusting, turn the linear damping up, it's a variable underneath the physics behavior.

  • What version are you using? I'm on r121.

    To make it slow down when not thrusting, turn the linear damping up, it's a variable underneath the physics behavior.

    Im currently using the free version that is 119. I figure Ill get the paid version once I get the hang of it again. And it seems like the custom movement overrides the physics engine.. Im not sure what is going on haha.

    Thanks for all the help tho, very kind of you to take time out of your day!

  • I got it figured out now. Thanks so much for the help! Ill send you a link so you can check it out when Im done if you want!

    Thanks again,


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