How do I get LocalStorage to work again.

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  • I've recently been using the local storage for saving and it works fine. I can save what weapon the player has and all the stats. But in the past week it has stopped working without me tampering with the events. Specifically, weapons now no longer load. All your other stats load fine. So I check my weapon events for loading and saving to see if I accidently tampered with it. I hadn't it was still exactly the same. So I deleted all my events for saving and loading and re-did them. Weapons are working again. But as I implement loading regular stats EVERYTHING has stopped loading? I've even made a test project that allowed me to randomize 3 stats, save and load them and it works perfectly. Can LocalStorage just not handle loading 35 variables at once or something?

    I'm not posting game capx


    • Conra
  • I've recently been using the local storage for saving and it works fine. I can save what weapon the player has and all the stats. But in the past week it has stopped working without me tampering with the events. Specifically, weapons now no longer load. All your other stats load fine. So I check my weapon events for loading and saving to see if I accidently tampered with it. I hadn't it was still exactly the same. So I deleted all my events for saving and loading and re-did them. Weapons are working again. But as I implement loading regular stats EVERYTHING has stopped loading? I've even made a test project that allowed me to randomize 3 stats, save and load them and it works perfectly. Can LocalStorage just not handle loading 35 variables at once or something?

    I'm not posting game capx


    - Conra

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  • Did you find any solution, it just happened to me ...

    The problem only happens in google chrome, last thing i remember doing in construct 2 was testing the wireless server capabilities which i failed to make it work... and then it just does not save local keys anymore

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