How do I - Link Sprites

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  • Hi

    I am making a game where the main sprite has 6 thrusters - 3 on top and 3 on bottom. Depending on certain variables, they can be on in a variety of combinations. Is there a way I can link sprites together so they can effectively layer on top of each other switching on and off as needed, rather than needing to create a series of if statements that accounts for every possible combo (front down + back up + mid down or front-down + mid up) etc.


  • Pin behavior, let's you join objects together.

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  • Hi

    I am making a game where the main sprite has 6 thrusters - 3 on top and 3 on bottom. Depending on certain variables, they can be on in a variety of combinations. Is there a way I can link sprites together so they can effectively layer on top of each other switching on and off as needed, rather than needing to create a series of if statements that accounts for every possible combo (front down + back up + mid down or front-down + mid up) etc.


    Shinkan gave you the right answer and Pin should work for that. You can also use physics joints but that is more for objects you want to move using physics commands requiring gravity and other settings.

  • Seems so obvious now - many many thanks!

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