How do I Jump/Falling Animation

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  • I have ran into a problem with my jumping and falling animation. For some reason it looks like its only playing one of the frames in my jump and falling animations, when i actually have around 7-8 frames.

    This is what i have so far

    The running animation works fine tho.

    Can't seem to figure out why the animation isn't playing, any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

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  • You need to add "System->Trigger once" to your events 14, 16 and 17.

    Otherwise they are triggered every tick and your animation is constantly restarted from the beginning.

  • You need to add "System->Trigger once" to your events 14, 16 and 17.

    Otherwise they are triggered every tick and your animation is constantly restarted from the beginning.

    How would I do this. I just tried adding below below system -> trigger once -> action // player -> set animation to jump (play from beginning) but that doesn't work.

    Tried adding it on the action on the events you said but system -> trigger isn't on the actions bit.

    Sorry fairly new to construct also!


  • Select the event and press C to add another condition.

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