How do I make items work in game?

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  • Hey All!

    Question, I'm making a game where the player has a net and snatches people up. What would be the easiest way to make [Space] be the "attack" button and make the npc being snatched stay connected inside the net. I don't know how to make [Space] make the net move from the top of the head to swing down.

    Idk, I'm basically clueless and the whole thing haha.

    Thanks for any info

    -Killer Jay

  • Well im not sure that any advise of how to do it would make it a lot easier, if you are not sure how to make any of it work. Because you are talking about several key functionalities that each could take quite a long time to explain in details. And most people assume that when people ask for help they at least have tried to solve it so they have something that doesn't work

    So if I were you I would do some tutorials and read the manual on topics that include, "How to use keyboard", "How to work with animations", "Pin behaviour", "Collision detection", "Player control behaviours" and "maybe something about how to do AI" like the space shooter tutorial that comes with C2. it will cover most of these.

  • Sounds good. Thanks Nimos. Feeling im biting off more than I can chew, but dammit I'm determined ot at least get the game concept down

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  • [quote:1jk3ogt9]Sounds good. Thanks Nimos. Feeling im biting off more than I can chew, but dammit I'm determined ot at least get the game concept down

    Yeah that's a good idea. Just break it up into smaller steps and you will get there.

    So maybe start by just making it possible to move the character around as you want it to. Then go on to making the character able to attack etc. As you learn each of them, even if they have nothing to do with the next thing you want to do, it will be easier and easier as you start to understand the general way that C2 works.

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