How do I import images I saved on my computer.

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  • This is a really nooby question, but I need to know it to continue.

    I'm doing the tutorial (the one where you make a ghost shooter) and am at the part where I saved the tile texture onto my computer and need to upload it to construct 2.

    I can't. I've tried many of the icons on 'insert new object' but none of them contain the tile texture. I saw how to make a new tiled background, but none where I could upload one already saved from my computer.

    I know this is a really bad mistake...but I don't know what else to do. I need help. I need to know how to upload other images from my computer to construct.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.

  • Hi!

    Just find the image, or images, then simply drag and drop them on the C2 window, with nothing selected in the layout view.

    Another way:

    You can double click on the canvas and select Sprite, then from the Sprite editor, there is a way to load images and sprite strips.

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  • Just to make it really clear in addition to what Jojoe said, the tiled background is an object, not the image file itself. So you need to make a new tiled background in C2, right click it, hit "edit image", and then give it the image file you want to use.

  • This is a really nooby question, but I need to know it to continue.

    I'm doing the tutorial (the one where you make a ghost shooter) and am at the part where I saved the tile texture onto my computer and need to upload it to construct 2.

    I can't. I've tried many of the icons on 'insert new object' but none of them contain the tile texture. I saw how to make a new tiled background, but none where I could upload one already saved from my computer.

    I know this is a really bad mistake...but I don't know what else to do. I need help. I need to know how to upload other images from my computer to construct.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.

    Did you got your answer btw would you like to share your or link?

  • jojoe

    Thank you so much for telling me! It worked

    ahr Ech

    And thank you, too, for the advice


    Yes, I got an answer.

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