HTML5 Site: No Touch Response Windows 7 Phone

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From the Asset Store
A set of vector game assets contains ground tiles and several objects, used for creating platformer games
  • Greetings,

    Long story short, I am exporting a very simple touch game as a HTML5 Website (it will eventually be integrated with FB), which works lovely on desktop and iOS.

    However, having tested it on my own Nokia Lumia 800 (Windows Phone), I'm finding that despite the engine working flawlessly and running incredibly smoothly, I am getting zero responsiveness on any touch controls.

    I've tried all of the different touch control types, and even simple click controls, in case the phone wasn't registering the touches, but that doesn't seem to make any difference.

    Have any of you come across an issue like this before, perhaps with any other Windows Phones?

    Many thanks.

    EDIT 12/03/2013

    To save anybody any effort in reading this, the long and short of it is Windows 7 Phones appear to have around a 0.5 second delay in touch controls for Construct's HTML5 games. This has been tested with exports as Windows 8 Apps as well as HTML 5 sites, and tested on a physical phone as well as the Microsoft WebMatrix Windows 7 Phone emulator program, and produced the same results all round. Thanks to another helpful tester, it would seem that Windows 8 phones don't suffer the same lag on touch response.

  • Have you considered exporting it as a Windows Phone app? It's experimentally supported in recent builds of Construct2.

  • I tried exporting it just now as a Windows Phone 8 app, which produced an output that worked the same as the HTML5 site. Unfortunately the touch controls still don't work as they should, though I am able to press things every now and then.

    Don't know if it helps, but the objects I'm trying to have touched are simply falling from the top of the screen in sequence. They aren't too small and can be hit easily on iOS phones. There is also zero lag on the Windows Phone I'm using, so I'm not sure if the problem could be attributed to latency of any kind.

  • I don't have the phone SDK installed on the PC I'm on right now, so I can't test this, but you could try running it in the phone emulator in Visual Studio. This can simulate touch.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I just tried a few more times and it seems even on the HTML5 page it is possible to hit the objects, however the same level of inaccuracy is present as in the app version. It's as if the hit area for the objects is too small, or perhaps the phone thinks the objects are in a different place when hit. Very peculiar!

    Thank you for your advice so far.

  • So, having tried a few simpler exports on my Windows Phone - to ensure nothing was overly intensive on it - I found that even with a simple 'touch-static-object-to-destroy' program, with no graphics or any other programming, there was definitely between a 0.5-1.0 delay on the touch response on the phone.

    Because I wasn't sure if this was only my phone or not, I downloaded the Microsoft WebMatrix and Windows 7 Phone emulator to try it again, see if it was in fact only my case. As it happens, the emulator has the exact same amount of lag/delay on the touch response, which means it turns out this problem is entirely down to the browser or OS of Windows 7 phones.

    Shame. I wonder if there are any settings that could optimise specifically for this type of phone. Though even exporting as a Windows 8 app and trying that did the same thing. It's gotta be down to the OS.

  • Have you tried expanding the collision polygon in the image editor in Contruct2? :)

  • I'm not having this problem on my Nokia 820?

  • Have you tried expanding the collision polygon in the image editor in Contruct2? :)

    I haven't, but as I said above, I tried creating an incredibly basic program where a few large square objects on the screen will be destroyed on touch. Touching each object did in fact destroy them correctly, but for every one of them there was the response delay I mentioned. For the original program I was trying to create, the objects were actually moving, and getting faster all the time, meaning this touch response delay was rendering it practically impossible to hit any of the objects.

    I'm not having this problem on my Nokia 820?

    I'm not too clued in on the difference of OS between these phones, but again as I said previously, I tried the Windows 7 Phone emulator on my desktop PC and it had the exact same response time as the phone with the same Construct programs being run, so I can say with some confidence that it doesn't seem to be my exact phone's fault. Most likely the OS, and perhaps you have a newer OS version?

  • Ah your device is Windows Phone 7 and mine is Windows Phone 8. As far as I know HTML5 support is pretty bad on WP7 - unfortunately I don't have a device so I can't test.

  • Yes, I think it's a WP7 vs WP8 issue, if you want to send me the capx, I can test on WP8.

  • Well here's the CAPX for the simple click-to-destroy thing I set up to test the phone, and even this had a delay on the touch controls. If the theories are correct, then your phone should have no delay at all.

  • Yes, there was no delay. Proves the theory! Let me know if I can help further.

  • Well unless anybody ever becomes aware of a way to make Windows 7 Phones more responsive (never going to happen) then this matter might as well be considered closed!

    Thanks to everybody for your help.

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