Help on Logic

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  • Hello again guys =)

    Will you help me think?

    I'm developing this board game where the board is way too big to fit on the screen, so I made it "click and dragable" so the player can move the board and see everything on it.

    But the thing here is, the board moves, the pieces doesn't and this mess up everything.

    Do you have any idea how can I make a sprite relate it's position to another sprite position or anything like that?

    I'm attaching the .capx so you can have a look at what I'm talking about.

    Grateful since now o/

  • You should be able to do it with a pin behaviour, If you enable it every time the player drag the board and disable it again when they don't.

  • Hello again guys =)

    Will you help me think?

    I'm developing this board game where the board is way too big to fit on the screen, so I made it "click and dragable" so the player can move the board and see everything on it.

    But the thing here is, the board moves, the pieces doesn't and this mess up everything.

    Do you have any idea how can I make a sprite relate it's position to another sprite position or anything like that?

    I'm attaching the .capx so you can have a look at what I'm talking about.

    Grateful since now o/

    You have the Pin Behavior that does it (it lock position and angle relative to another object)

    Mainly I'd recommand (if you want to try it of course) that you try to scroll the actual viewport instead (with a sprite with a scrollto behavior or with the scroll to system action)

  • There is also a camera plugin that might be worth looking at - makes it easy to move around, zoom in and out...

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  • Wow! You guys are awesome!

    I used the Pin behavior and it worked like I wanted.

    Thank you guys, thank you very much, I really appreciate it. o/

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