HELP Action RPG - Zelda/FF Adventure

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From the Asset Store
Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • I'm a beginner and i want to create a game similar to Final Fantasy Adventure and Zelda: link's awakening to Gameboy.

    I searched a lot in the forums and tuts and found some articles about movement, health bar hud and inventory,

    but i didn't find any CAPX with an example of an action rpg or a guide to make your own from scratch.

    I know it's a lot to ask, but is there a example CAPX with the core system already implemented or a (somewhat) complete guide to help me?

    Any tips are welcome, thanks

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  • To be fair, creating such a project requires the stitching together of all the little parts you mentioned (health bar, inventory, etc.) and more (using the magicam plugin for example). You'll have to learn what the events are doing and absorb a lot of tutorials, capx's, and topics to get a feel for things.

    Try to start small with implementation: moving the player, attacking, and some enemies, and so on. A recent topic I made covered how to make enemies randomly move around, but they don't check for solids, which limits their effectiveness (that's something you'd have to figure out; I haven't returned to the project yet).

  • Thanks for the answer!

    ill look into that!

  • I recommend starting with the topdown shoot game template that construct gives you, That is what I started with for me Zelda like game.

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