Hi there, i am trying to create a supaplex clone.
Im building this off the pacman example with collision detectors etc.
I want to achieve the following:
Player moves to a block -> block gets eaten (destroyed) The ball that was on top of the block falls down as far as the ball can fall down. I have achieved the ball falling down when there are no blocks present as shown in my example but i can't seem to achieve the balls falling down when the blocks get eaten.
So the collision/physics should be as follows:
Balls fall down as far as they can ( till they hit a wall) This works
Balls fall down as soon as there is no block underneath them This doesent work
Balls dont fall down when the player is standing 1 tile undernearth them This doesent work either
Please help me out :)https://www.dropbox.com/s/29puccssl1kg71l/Collision.capx