How do I Handle Audio with a Platformer

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  • I've been working on a simple platformer for almost 3 weeks now and I'm ready to handle my audio input for the game.

    In my game I have a start screen that plays Audio1.

    After they click Level1, Audio2 plays for the rest of the game until...

    They reach select levels 9-10 then Audio3 plays.

    At the end of the game Audio4 plays.

    If the player chooses to return to the start menu, Audio1 plays again.

    However, with the handling of layouts I don't know if Construct2 is able to handle these conditions.

    On The Start of Layout

    -Layout is Equal To

    --Then Run Condition for Audio Loop

    On The Start of Layout

    -Layout is Equal To

    -Audio is Not Playing

    --Then Run Condition for Audio Loop

    Any help is appreciated!

  • on start of layout (add another condition) > system > compare two values > LayoutName = "your_layout_name"

    *** audio > play > select your audio, set it looping, give it a tag (BGM for example)

    on start of layout (add another condition) > system > compare two values > LayoutName = "your_layout_name"

    (add another condition) > audio > is tag playing > "your_tag_name"

    *** audio > play

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  • That worked perfectly puntodamar.

    Thank you!

  • you're welcome.

    goodluck with your game!

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