GamePad issue

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  • Hey Guys,

    I have a strange issue with the game pad. I'm using an xbox 360 controller

    I have programmed it for a platform game. I use the d-pad for the player movement left and right and the ABXY buttons for player actions.

    The only thing is that the dpad does not work until one of the ABXY buttons are pressed first. Once one of them is pressed all controls work fine and the game runs perfectly.

    Has anyone had this issue before?



  • Hey Guys,

    I have a strange issue with the game pad. I'm using an xbox 360 controller

    I have programmed it for a platform game. I use the d-pad for the player movement left and right and the ABXY buttons for player actions.

    The only thing is that the dpad does not work until one of the ABXY buttons are pressed first. Once one of them is pressed all controls work fine and the game runs perfectly.

    Has anyone had this issue before?



    If I remember, it is normal, you have to press a action button before the browser recognize the controller, not sure of the reason, but I read that it is normal

  • Thanks for the reply. Im showing a demo of my game this Thursday and this was an issue.

    If it cant be fixed Il just have an intro menu that forces you to press an action button to start the game. Problem solved. Thanks

  • same exact issue here. x360 gamepad that becomes "active" only after pressing A button.

    waiting for a solution too..

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  • There is no real solution, this is how the gamepad API works, Construct can't do much about it. Only workaround I know so far is, like jaza23 said, to have the main menu to say "press any button to start" and even then, you'd have to press twice.

  • In my game I used the a(xbox) or x(ps3) button to start the game from the menu and this resolved it.

    To clarify in my case I didn't have to press it twice.

    This issue is with chrome or firefox that these buttons have to be pressed to register the controller. Much like the mouse has to click the game window for the keyboard to work.

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