Game stutters after Export to Windows 8

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five golem elements Sprites Sheet.Best for enemy or villain game characters.
  • So I am trying to test Construct 2 to see if I can use it for creating windows 8 games. It works fine when I run it in the browsers. But when I export to 8 and use Visual Studio to run it the game stutters about 1s a second. I have a lot going on in the game so I thought maybe I had to many object. so I made a simple app that just move a image around the screen with 8 directions. and it still happens. My computer is a couple years old <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />. so maybe that is it. I would be happy to share the project if someone would like to test it to see if it is just me. I have seen one other post like this. And it seemed that the older computer my have been the problem then.


  • Hello I will help you send me the CapX and see that wave

  • Try running it from the start screen instead. Running from Visual Studio in 'debug' mode reduces performance, and it's faster once you publish.

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  • Try running it from the start screen instead. Running from Visual Studio in 'debug' mode reduces performance, and it's faster once you publish.

    Just to confirm Ashley's response.

    That is what you have to do. It will not run properly from VS. You need to run your game from VS, then close it. Now you can run it from the Start menu- without the stuttering.

    Same is true if you run your game using the simulator. With that you need to run it using the simulator. Close the app from VS but keep the simulator running. Then close VS itself. The simulator will still be running. Now you can use the simulator to access everything on the start menu including your game. (the simulator still runs a bit daggy even after that but noticeably better)

    Note: to close the simulator you have to do the same as you would to shut down your PC.

  • Thanks it works when I run it with the debugger off. thanks for the help everyone.

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