How do I make an game object to move left and right smoothly

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This is a code so you can see the same skin on all screens (peers). Each peer gets a skin, in addition to 4 directions t
  • Hi,

    I am very excited to start with Construct 2 for game development.

    I`ve been developing a game where I will have a box at the bottom which has an emitter which emits bullets (looks like a turrett )and I want to move that emitter to left and right of the layout based on the mouse position .

    If I move the mouse lower to the layout(bottomleft or bottomright) the emitter was turning to the bottom of the layout and emits the bullets,How can I avoid moving this to the bottom and emits bullets,something like it should always operate between 45 degrees and 135 degrees.

    It should not move more than that and it should turn smoothly between those angles,if I added a keyboard left arrow its moving to left and right arrow to right,but its moving very fast,can we make that moving slowly.

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  • first, as you are a beginner, must know that angle in construct 2 is counter clockwise, so 45-135 actually means down, you are aiming to -45, -135 .

    mouse solution:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    min 8:35 to limit the aiming.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    min 4:55 for the actual aiming

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