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  • this is a thread as i am making a game and will keep on posting some questions and updates

    the game is for a mouse running from a cat and collecting cheese


    in my game to make the character go forward you have to click on the mouse, so should i make it click repeatedly, more clicks = more speed

    or on button down it will automatically accelerate ?

    thank you

  • I definitely don't think you should make your player spam clicks. Unless it's the game's main purpose, do not give an advantage to those with faster clicking ability ;)

  • well yeah you are talking about specific Game Mechanics there...its really up to you and I would only suggest play test both ways and see what works better for your game...

    I agree with sqiddster..but like he said ..if its the games main a race...between player 1 and player 2...then yeah go for it...

    but Playtesting is where its at....find what works best for you..its your game...

    and dont forget to consider other well..there are always more than one way to skin a cat...or mouse for that matter...even though they are smaller.

    Note:- Under no circumstances does mystazsea recommend the flaying of any animals ...even in a digital or virtual sense...The opinion offered was a metaphor only not intended as a actual option for making games on a computer system...:)

  • You could try like the old Hyper Sports arcade games? Left, then right ... and so on to make him run, the faster you do that the faster he runs.

  • thanks , i have stuck too acceleration.

  • Q2:::

    how could i make a cat follow the mouse

    +++ does anyone have a good background that looks like a floor

  • Q3:::

    how can i make the character get bigger the more the cheese he eats.

    ( i am really having these problems, i am a total n00b at the type of game i am making. i will release a beta version of this game in around one week)

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  • making the cat follow the mouse is the easiest part.

    Every tick >> Set angle to Mouse.X Mouse.Y

    (But you will need to name the mouse somthing else because mouse is another object)

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