How do I make fullscreen game

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From the Asset Store
five golem elements Sprites Sheet.Best for enemy or villain game characters.
  • Hello friends!

    I need to ask, where can be a problem...

    I try to make a really simple game for learning Construct, and I try to export to Cordova and then build in Intel XDK.

    I was set setting Fullscreen in browser to Scale Outer but when I try it at emulator, or at mobile, I still see notification panel and system buttons. How can I make my test game to fullscreen. I watch a lot of videos about fullscreen, but nothing works fine. Have anybody some idea?

    Thank you a lot, have a nice evening.

  • Use Letterbox Scale.

    Recommend window size:

    LandScape (854x480)

    Portrait (480x854)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • It may some problems with fullscreen? I have set WindowSize to 1280x720px

  • Just use Letterbox Scale, export your project to Cordova and view in the emulator and tell me if that worked for you.

  • I try it, but Fullscreen dont work. Still notification panel etc. any other ways?

  • Do you have an example source that you can share so I can check and see the problem?

  • Sure, I can send you a project source, but I do not know how, because, I am new here and I cannot send PM and also URL adresses. Any other way?

  • in the intel xdk you see allways the statut bar, its just the preview, but when you export to crosswalk android its going to be full screen. also inside intel xdk you have a plugin "Full screen" but not necessary

  • imothep85

    It is not working... I export it many times and then use at my phone, still I see status bar with other things... How to make it by Intel XDK?

  • Resolved, I set FullScreen mode at Intel XDK build options.


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