Fly Along measured in meters (Jetpack Joyride)

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  • Okay so I have my fly along coming along, no pun intended. I want to have the distance shown measured in meters like how jetpack joyride has it.

    If anyone could help me with this, I'd really appreciate it, thanks.

  • What have you got at the moment?

    I guess you should first decide how many pixels in your game is a meter and then divide the travelled pixels by that..

  • Hey LittleStain, I'm using the fly along template they gave me, so the exact layout size and everything. How do I figure out how many pixels in my game is a meter, I mean it doesn't need to be that realistic does it? is this how jetpack joyride does it

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  • How do I figure out how many pixels in my game is a meter, I mean it doesn't need to be that realistic does it?

    Just use an object in game as a reference. You can give a rough size in meters to an object, and just do (Object size in pixels)/(Object size in meters) to give pixels per meter.

    For example,

    Humans are rarely taller than 2m, so if you have a human character that is 128px tall, you can just say 64px = 1m

  • I would make this much simpler and just used time passed as the distance. Why go to the trouble of counting pixels and working out distances when every x seconds you travel 1 meter.

    I'm guessing that's how Jetpack Joyride works why make things more complicated than they need to be.

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