I'm creating a game similar to flappy bird and i've changed the way the pipes are created (it's one sprite rather than 2) as i wanted to try something different with the pipes. Thing is that now, there is no gap for the bird to go through as the gap counts as part of the pipe sprite when the bird collides into it.
My thinking was to have another sprite (a 10x10 box shaped to the same size as the pipes for example) that would pin onto the pipe areas and if he bird collides with that box, then its game over and that way the gap will be there for the bird to go through.
Problem is that i can't get the black box to pin onto the pipes, so i can't get it to work. The pin object doesn't seem to work on an created object.
How do i get my box to pin on to the pipe at the same size, essentally overlapping the pipe with the black box ?
I've attached a capx of the flappy bird clone where i've changed the pipes and added the black box.
Any help would be appriciated, thanks.