How do I fix this? Turn-Based RPG

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From the Asset Store
A well commented RPG game template to learn from or use as a base for your own game!
  • (sorry i re-posted since somehow it's disappeared after the error on the web)

    so yeah, i tried some guides of how to make games in construct 2 so you can call me a beginner.

    then in the middle of making the game by following the steps there, i "kinda" tried to change some things on it.

    i tried to make a automatic turn-based game. it does great but somehow the numbers messed up (absurd)

    please take a look at this:

    (after 1 turn each)

    sorry i can't provide .capx file. since i actually doesn't know how (lol)

    Thanks !

    ps: sorry for my bad english

  • ApaYaa if you are beginner try my Dropbox there so much there that you can learn from ... -base-game

  • (sorry i re-posted since somehow it's disappeared after the error on the web)

    so yeah, i tried some guides of how to make games in construct 2 so you can call me a beginner.

    then in the middle of making the game by following the steps there, i "kinda" tried to change some things on it.

    i tried to make a automatic turn-based game. it does great but somehow the numbers messed up (absurd)

    please take a look at this:

    (after 1 turn each)

    sorry i can't provide .capx file. since i actually doesn't know how (lol)

    Thanks !

    ps: sorry for my bad english

    I can't really tell all that's going on in yours events lol but at the point when you subtract life from the player or enemy I don't see an amount like -10

  • > (sorry i re-posted since somehow it's disappeared after the error on the web)

    > so yeah, i tried some guides of how to make games in construct 2 so you can call me a beginner.

    > then in the middle of making the game by following the steps there, i "kinda" tried to change some things on it.

    > i tried to make a automatic turn-based game. it does great but somehow the numbers messed up (absurd)

    > please take a look at this:





    > (after 1 turn each)


    > sorry i can't provide .capx file. since i actually doesn't know how (lol)


    > Thanks !


    > ps: sorry for my bad english


    I can't really tell all that's going on in yours events lol but at the point when you subtract life from the player or enemy I don't see an amount like -10

    I used the variable AttackPower. So it just uses what numbers its attackpower is (i already tried using just number 10 but it fails anyway)

  • 'Wait' and "Wait for signal' are well explained : ... ait-action

    From the eyes of the creator. What's in it for us 'developers' ? Well.

    'Wait' and "Wait for signal' are in base the same actions. Only the 'end of postponing' is different.

    Both POSTPONE the following (next) actions EVERY TICK that they are executed. While postponing, the only thing that they remember is the picked objects.

    Let me show you this in a simple example. ... .capx?dl=0

    In this example, the 'Wait for signal' is executed every tick. Each tick that is executed, it postpones that action that is changing the position.

    When Space is pressed, the 'Wait for signal' will execute ALL the times that it is postponed in PREVIOUS TICKS.

    Hence, it moves the Sprite not once for 1 pixel, but 'tickcount since last spacepress' times 1 pixel.

    The same is happening in your project. Each tick when those parent conditions are true, 'Wait for signal' is postponing those actions. When signal is given, all those actions execute once for each tick that the 'Wait for signal' postponed them. So, several (countless) times in a row.

  • 'Wait' and "Wait for signal' are well explained : ... ait-action

    From the eyes of the creator. What's in it for us 'developers' ? Well.

    'Wait' and "Wait for signal' are in base the same actions. Only the 'end of postponing' is different.

    Both POSTPONE the following (next) actions EVERY TICK that they are executed. While postponing, the only thing that they remember is the picked objects.

    Let me show you this in a simple example. ... .capx?dl=0

    In this example, the 'Wait for signal' is executed every tick. Each tick that is executed, it postpones that action that is changing the position.

    When Space is pressed, the 'Wait for signal' will execute ALL the times that it is postponed in PREVIOUS TICKS.

    Hence, it moves the Sprite not once for 1 pixel, but 'tickcount since last spacepress' times 1 pixel.

    The same is happening in your project. Each tick when those parent conditions are true, 'Wait for signal' is postponing those actions. When signal is given, all those actions execute once for each tick that the 'Wait for signal' postponed them. So, several (countless) times in a row.

    i see, but then do you know what should i replace the "wait for signal" into? thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • 1/ I do not see the project that you dont wanna share. So lets take a gamble. As i stated, you can not allow those conditions to run continuously. So, including a 'Trigger once while true' as last condition in those events might help. Obvious, no ? Yet, personal, i very dislike the use of 'Wait' to organise a flow.

    2/ Use timers !

    3/ Use timers !

    4/ Use timers !

    5/ Use the animations (they run there given time) as a timeline.

    Both (timers and animations) are dt corrected. Your 'signal' solution is not even that.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Best bet is TIMER

  • Thanks to Lordshiva1948.

  • MathewHarrison not me but all those who have to bother to answer this so thanks goes to everyone

  • thanks y'all found it

  • Good for you and good luck for your game

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