How do I Fix Progress Bar Color and Button Size

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  • Problem 1: When playtesting on PC my progress bar colors all change accordingly (ex. red for health). When exporting or play testing on my phone's browser the color remains the standard blue. Is this something that can be fixed or do I have to make custom progress bars to get the color I want?

    Problem 2: Again, when playtesting on my pc browser button sizes all look correct, then when exporting the buttons look cut in half or skewed in size.

    Any help or suggestions would be great! Thank you.

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  • Problem 1: When playtesting on PC my progress bar colors all change accordingly (ex. red for health). When exporting or play testing on my phone's browser the color remains the standard blue. Is this something that can be fixed or do I have to make custom progress bars to get the color I want?

    Problem 2: Again, when playtesting on my pc browser button sizes all look correct, then when exporting the buttons look cut in half or skewed in size.

    Any help or suggestions would be great! Thank you.

    the request is too general. you can at least know how you did the whole thing, maybe with a .capx sample file, and then where did you export it and how ..

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