Hi guys,
First time posting in the forum, I have been making my game (Time Warp) on and off for over a year.
I finally finished the game last week and I have been going through the process of getting the game ready to publish online to various platforms (GameJolt etc)
My game is currently being hosted at this link https://ludusgames.000webhostapp.com/
This is a free hosting website which I am using for testing purposes.
Now my game works perfectly on desktop/laptop browsers however if the game is texted on mobile (I have tried opening it on Chrome, Safari and as a Web App) for some reason one of my background images doesn't load up.
I have three layers (UI, Game and Background) and I have tried having the image on both Game and Background - the image moves left during the game and I therefore can't have it on the UI layer.
I have two scrolling images, one being the sky and one being the level specific background with scenery. The sky loads and moves perfectly on mobile and is on the background layer.
All of my other items such as powerups and the player are on the game layer and they also load perfectly.
I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure this one out and I am hoping one of you can help!
*** EDIT
Mobile: Touch control buttons
Browser: WASD