How do I fix C2 Timer?

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From the Asset Store
Tabata timer
$9.99 USD
Template for Tabata timer, fully documented in comments and video
  • Ay bois, i'm making for fun an hard dodge game, that you need to dodge and survive to get the max time you achieve, but, i have an delay with my timer:

    I setup for every 0.001 seconds to add 1 to Miliseconds, and, when he achives 9 miliseconds, will add 1 to 10Miliseconds, but, instead at adding 1 in the right speed, it just slow ( a lot ), so, if someone can help me, please, how do i fix this?



    I tried removing the wait just to see if i got something, but, it's just the same speed.

  • I think your intervals are too small.

    0.001 is basically no time at all. Most finely tuned games have 20 millisecond latency built in, and that feels instantaneous! Construct I think updates each tick within and up to 16 milliseconds.

    Every 0.001 seconds will not run accurately as far as I know since Every Tick won't even run that fast.

  • You can't use "Wait" or "Every X seconds" with values smaller than 0.016, because your events run only 60 times per second (not 1000 times).

    Edit: sorry, didn't see jobel's comment.

    Just use time or dt expressions.

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  • You can't use "Wait" or "Every X seconds" with values smaller than 0.016, because your events run only 60 times per second (not 1000 times).

    Edit: sorry, didn't see jobel's comment.

    Just use time or dt expressions.

    Hey, thanks for the link, its a good resource.

  • I think your intervals are too small.

    0.001 is basically no time at all. Most finely tuned games have 20 millisecond latency built in, and that feels instantaneous! Construct I think updates each tick within and up to 16 milliseconds.

    Every 0.001 seconds will not run accurately as far as I know since Every Tick won't even run that fast.

    Didn't know that, thanks man!

  • You can't use "Wait" or "Every X seconds" with values smaller than 0.016, because your events run only 60 times per second (not 1000 times).

    Edit: sorry, didn't see jobel's comment.

    Just use time or dt expressions.

    Thanks a lot for the link bro!

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