How do I get Facebook Friend Pictures

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  • Hello, i want try to get Facebook Friends profile pictures in a sprite?

    Anyone know how this works. How can i begin ?

  • Hello, i want try to get Facebook Friends profile pictures in a sprite?

    Anyone know how this works. How can i begin ?

    you can use PHP or java...

    with PHP, just use the SDK of facebook and use AJAX to retrieve data from the script...

    you can find everything here:

    anyway, I will publish (maybe in the store) a project with php file and capx to make your app with facebook, like:

    make hi-score, make and post an achievement, get user friend list who use the same app with name, picture, get the hiscore in the array from of friendlist........etc

    in very simple way... I did it (just 5 event to do all of this), I have just to make a tutorial to explain how everything works (in php)

  • yes i would buy it but i just need pictures nothing more.. but this sounds as an very nice project.

  • Okay i have tried out this tutorial. I have no errors all works nice but i get no friend requests... the number is 0.

    I created the self code what is on tutorial. The name is correct given but the list of friends i get 0 but i have 753 friends so there must be an error

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  • Okay i have tried out this tutorial. I have no errors all works nice but i get no friend requests... the number is 0.

    I created the self code what is on tutorial. The name is correct given but the list of friends i get 0 but i have 753 friends so there must be an error

    your app has the permission to read the list friend? it's 0 because you don't have the permission friendlist

  • Thank you for this hint Ribis. I have solved it but with out pictures. So i will wait of your package and will buy it then. You have an idea for an release date?

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