How do I use a execution order?

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  • Hello, I'm trying to make a game programming, like this:

    And I needed to know how to make an action, run before the other, for example:

    I have three buttons, with an arrow pointing up, one to the right, and a go button, I click the up arrow three times, and twice on the right, and then the go button, I need it first move three times up, before moving twice to right ... it is possible to do this?

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  • Yes, it is possible to do this.

    You will need to build an input queue. I recommend using an array. Every input will be pushed (back) and stored in this array. Then when you hit go, each action will be executed based on the sequence present in the input queue array.

  • Yes, it is possible to do this.

    You will need to build an input queue. I recommend using an array. Every input will be pushed (back) and stored in this array. Then when you hit go, each action will be executed based on the sequence present in the input queue array.

    Sorry... But I could not do using the array, would like you try to do to me, or give me an example of template? thanks in advance

    My project: ... rmSrsXKhXs

  • Yes, it is possible to do this.

    You will need to build an input queue. I recommend using an array. Every input will be pushed (back) and stored in this array. Then when you hit go, each action will be executed based on the sequence present in the input queue array.

    Sorry... But I could not do using the array, would like you try to do to me, or give me an example of template? thanks in advance

    My project:!CBh0yD6B!oD4nUFsFZ-DnlX4UaQ6OFUhJiqTnkVzgbrmSrsXKhXs

  • ... .capx?dl=0

    It is more of an intermediate technique. Let me know if you have any specific questions about how it works.

  • Hi oosyrag, thanks for all in the last time ^^

    I have other problem, I want to make the buttons as sprite, to be more beautiful, only doing so, he ñ insert more action in the array ... I've tried to leave the button on top of the sprite and leave initial invisibility as invisible, but does not work, you know how to do this?

    My project:!fIIQjSZY!c6G7RRBZQYqGH7oj2wBn7V1JsjXVReLYeeLygX539xQ

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