Evade or dodge

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Keep dodging the falling bricks for as long as possible.
  • hello

    please, does anyone know how to make a character dodge attacks like a evade mechanic.

  • You probably have a variable updating it self with a random number (0-100) every second. Then

    if player hit and dodgeVariable < 20 | player takes 0 damage.

    else player takes X damage.

    Something along those lines I would think.

  • I'm looking this too, it would be Konami's dodge style, we've seen enemies can dodge pretty good in Konami games.

    I was thinking if i put choose() expression to get pasive by 50% chances via the distance condition, then create 2 variables as sucess and fail, if is succeded, the sprite dodges using bullet with high speed at short time to left or right via bullet or sprite angle where it aproximates, last by 0.5 second, if is failed, it couldn't dodge.

    If you don't understand, i will make a .capx when i get chance

  • please do.much appreciated.thank you very much.be waiting for your reply

  • thanks i will give it a try <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • I'm looking this too, it would be Konami's dodge style, we've seen enemies can dodge pretty good in Konami games.

    I was thinking if i put choose() expression to get pasive by 50% chances via the distance condition, then create 2 variables as sucess and fail, if is succeded, the sprite dodges using bullet with high speed at short time to left or right via bullet or sprite angle where it aproximates, last by 0.5 second, if is failed, it couldn't dodge.

    If you don't understand, i will make a .capx when i get chance

    if you could make the video i would greatly appreciate it...thank you very much

  • Oops!

    I forgot about this thread due to lack of feedback.

    I definetly make a .capx example, give me another day.

  • I uploaded a .capx in arcade, it comes 2 methods, it may look not perfect to you, be aware it's using bound to layout. I hope it helps you.

    Anyone who tries to improve this .capx would be appreciated.


  • I uploaded a .capx in arcade, it comes 2 methods, it may look not perfect to you, be aware it's using bound to layout. I hope it helps you.

    Anyone who tries to improve this .capx would be appreciated.


    thanks alot. well...let me get to it,see what i can do.keep you posted

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