How do I Make Enemy with Animation ?

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  • Hello CS2 Users,

    I have problem with our School Project.

    I have a Enemy (cop) that are moving to Right and Left ( I have make a Sine Behavior for this action)

    But now if he moving to the Left and Right the Enemy (cop) not give the good animation ( I have four animations : Left, Right, Right_Stop, Left_Stop)

    What i want is when you change the word (Bank) and the cop see you , than the game must restarts.

    But when the Cop is moving to Right and you change some word than nothing happens. ( because the cop not see you )

    But when the Cop moving to Left and you change a word and the Cop see you than the game restart.

    How can I fix this ?

    I hope you can help us.



    Sorry for my bad English.



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  • I am not totally sure what it is you are trying to achieve. If you are looking for some way to detect if the cop can see the player or not you can either compare the direction the cop is facing + x,y coordinates or use the Line-Of-Sight behavior.

  • I am not totally sure what it is you are trying to achieve. If you are looking for some way to detect if the cop can see the player or not you can either compare the direction the cop is facing + x,y coordinates or use the Line-Of-Sight behavior.


    Thanks for you reply.

    First what I want is to give the Enemy ( Cop) automatic movement to left en right with the good animation.

    I'm now using a Sine Behavior but I can't give the good animation for Left and Right movement.



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