hello I'd like to drag an object location (it is good) but a rule comes into account is: there must be at a given distance from point X, otherwise it returns to its origin (the point X is image point) I look at some examples but I do not understand sorry
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I made an example for you using the distance expression, and some instance variables:
DragDrop_CheckRange (r92)
I look at her thank you
ok I just tried and it does not take into account the distance here is what I did ...
You want to check the distance between the instance variables and the object you are dragging, so you should probably use PositionX and PositionY instead of MConstructionSuite.ImagepointX(2) and ...Y(2) in the distance expression.
I can not because I want to position it has a specific point on the image .... Anyway I can if I take the target value and the position I in X and Y but the problem is that I have several points of same type or it can be positioned
I let you look at yours if you have the courage ... I warned it was rough ...
What I wanna do is drag the trunk of one of four wooden suport
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are trying to do with the "BoisH" object, where do you want the player to put it, and when do you want it to not be possible? And what object or position does it have to be in range of?
I hope it will help