4 Direction problem

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From the Asset Store
Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • So i'm trying to make an rpg and I have my movement set to 4 direction, I can move normally but when I press 2 of the move controls at once the animation stops.


    W+D=Goes up but right animation plays but is stuck on the first frame.

    S+D=Same thing but going down instead of up.

  • Could you share a capx? You're probably setting the animation inside a "is down" event, which makes Construct set the animation every tick the keys are down, so it's always going back to the first frame...

  • Could you share a capx? You're probably setting the animation inside a "is down" event, which makes Construct set the animation every tick the keys are down, so it's always going back to the first frame...

    Yeah, thats how i'm doing it but is there a way to fix it?

  • There are many ways to solve this, depending on how, exactly, is your code. It would be easier if I could see the capx. Can you share it?

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  • There are many ways to solve this, depending on how, exactly, is your code. It would be easier if I could see the capx. Can you share it?

    I dont know how to send images from my computer to here.

  • Not an image. Save your project as a single file and upload it to dropbox or some similar service, then share the link here, so people can take a look at it...

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