Would anyone be willing to take a crack at a webfonts problem? I have a .woff, I have my style sheet, and I have my capX with the "set webfonts" action. I really don't get what I am missing. This has worked for me in the past, I really don't get what I am doing wrong.
Thanks if anybody can crack it, it's probably something painfully obvious.
here's the capX
here's the typeface-in-question
and here's the stylesheet I was using
thanks again yinz
The name of the font family is "Bitline15", not "Bitline15.woff".
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Thanks Ash, that was a bit of a blunder, though I corrected it�along with a missing parentheses in my .css� and I still seem to be having issues...I'll just go with courier for the time being, or maybe I can find something decent on google webfonts?
If you need a example of woff in C2 i create a little project for someone needed a digital 7 segment font to display numbers.
The project is
Here (with the digital font) for testing and use it in your own projects
If you just want to test the result it's Here ...
You're missing a comma before url.
src: local('BitLine15'), url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/26730853/webfonts_chosen_byte/BitLine15.woff') format('woff');
(Check the browser error console for errors <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />)