As the title says, how do i cut an object into pieces like in the game Cut the rope..
And i'm not talking about making like multiple ropes and when you click on one of them it unpins from the group or ropes.
Have a nice day!
A sprite is one piece if you want it to become two pieces it becomes (at least) two sprites..
Well, how was it done in Cut the rope the HTML5 version?
or is there an easy and effective way to it without having billions of sprites?
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It depends on how precise you would want it to be, but I guess with five pieces per rope attached to eachother with revolute joints you'd come a long way..
Well, i found a tutorial but not for construct 2 and i saw this
Can you joint the ropes together and make them curve like in the picture?
if you can, send me a capx
Thanks for helping me!
Here's a rope-example created by R0J0hound: ... _loop.capx
As you can see, creating the rope isn't the easiest thing, but entirely possible..
Holy flippity floppity!, that's exactly what i wanted, i implented a cursor click on ropes to remove the joint between them and it works perfectly!
Thank you!