How do I create a settings menu?

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ready made menu you can download this one or just follow my tutorial to make it yourself
  • I cannot create a settings menu for my platform game.

  • coud you be more spesific?

    what kind of options do you need?

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  • coud you be more spesific?

    what kind of options do you need?

    It is turning off music. (Note: it must work around the game.)

  • Create a global variable and set it to either true or false. In you eventsheet, for each event that would trigger a sound add a condition to only play it when that global variable is true.


  • Create a global variable and set it to either true or false. In you eventsheet, for each event that would trigger a sound add a condition to only play it when that global variable is true.


    What events are needed?

  • I guess you have an audio object placed on your layout and whenever you need to play a sound you call an event to play a sound file.

    At these events, you need to add a condition to check your global variable if it is true or false.

    On your setting page, you need to add an object with which your can interact.

    For example:

    You have a sprite of a square with is either checked or not (checked = playing sound; unchecked = sounds disabled).

    When you click on that sprite, set your global variable either to true or false depending on what you need (like, if it is unchecked and you click on it, set the variable to true and change the sprite to show the checked image).

    Hope this helps you to understand how variables are working and what you can do with events. If not, I would suggest to have a read of the C2 Manual first, as these functions are the basics for any game that you create with C2.

  • I guess you have an audio object placed on your layout and whenever you need to play a sound you call an event to play a sound file.

    At these events, you need to add a condition to check your global variable if it is true or false.

    On your setting page, you need to add an object with which your can interact.

    For example:

    You have a sprite of a square with is either checked or not (checked = playing sound; unchecked = sounds disabled).

    When you click on that sprite, set your global variable either to true or false depending on what you need (like, if it is unchecked and you click on it, set the variable to true and change the sprite to show the checked image).

    Hope this helps you to understand how variables are working and what you can do with events. If not, I would suggest to have a read of the C2 Manual first, as these functions are the basics for any game that you create with C2.

    What is the global variable required?

  • If you could read the manuals more or just search around the How do I and tutorial forums, you could get answers for lot of your questions mate!!!

    If you don't get answers from there or if it is confusing for you then post a question mostly with wip capx.

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