How do I Create Layers After RunTime?

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  • Not holding my breath and I know a way to bypass this but hey if anyone knows of a plugin to dynamically create or delete layers (so I dont have to do them manually incase i got many layers to manage objects in) then I'd love to see it.

  • I've previously made some plugins of my own and tried to do something similar to what you say, but there is no way in the javascript sdk to manipulate layers, so a plugin can't do it with construct 2's layouts.

    Reference :,

    However, a plugin might use its own layer system, I don't know how to do it but I guess it is possible. But this layer system will be different from the one used by construct 2. Therefore you can't access these layers using construct 2's editor.

    Anyway, I'm getting off track here. I also wanted something like that for a while, not only dynamic layers but also dynamic layouts. It will be very useful for creating randomly generated worlds, rogue likes, sandbox games ... etc. Maybe you can post it as suggestion to be added in future versions of Construct 2 (or maybe Construct 3).

  • I'd love to know when this would be of any use..

  • LittleStain dynamic layers are pretty common in mainstream GUI programming, so why not have it as well in Construct 2?

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  • LittleStain dynamic layers are pretty common in mainstream GUI programming, so why not have it as well in Construct 2?

    Why not? Haha, good argument..

    Just because something is common, doesn't mean it's right and/or needed..

    I was just asking for an example..

    I've never needed or missed it, so I don't know if it's usefull or not, I would love to see how it would be of benefit..

  • I've previously made some plugins of my own and tried to do something similar to what you say, but there is no way in the javascript sdk to manipulate layers, so a plugin can't do it with construct 2's layouts.

    Reference : , However, a plugin might use its own layer system, I don't know how to do it but I guess it is possible. But this layer system will be different from the one used by construct 2. Therefore you can't access these layers using construct 2's editor.

    Anyway, I'm getting off track here. I also wanted something like that for a while, not only dynamic layers but also dynamic layouts. It will be very useful for creating randomly generated worlds, rogue likes, sandbox games ... etc. Maybe you can post it as suggestion to be added in future versions of Construct 2 (or maybe Construct 3).

    Very sad to hear, I had known that this would be a long shot. I hope they add it for an update or to Construct 3.

  • > LittleStain dynamic layers are pretty common in mainstream GUI programming, so why not have it as well in Construct 2?


    Why not? Haha, good argument..

    Just because something is common, doesn't mean it's right and/or needed..

    I was just asking for an example..

    I've never needed or missed it, so I don't know if it's usefull or not, I would love to see how it would be of benefit..

    You can dynamically manage layers to support items and then switch them real time to even temporary layers for items and UI or things like effects. All using in-engine management.

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