How do I create interactive animation

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  • hello everyone , my name is dilla . and i am a newbie , to this whole game development thingy

    so thing is , i want to build an interactive game/storybook .

    what i want to do is , when i (drag n drop) pick up the brush and move it back and forth as if i was brushing the girls teeth i want the bubble animation to start .

    sorry for my english *

    so what is the kind of event that i need to create to make that happen .

    thank you

  • Well, maybe create object bubbles, add animation there, then on mouse button down over girls teeth, create object bubbles.

  • thanks Sisyphus for the tips , i will try that out ,

    im actually an illustrator who has been illustrating for so many developer , so for once i want to develop an app of my own . im wondering if there is anyone else who able to create an interactive games or storybook with construct .

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  • thanks Sisyphus for the tips , i will try that out ,

    im actually an illustrator who has been illustrating for so many developer , so for once i want to develop an app of my own . im wondering if there is anyone else who able to create an interactive games or storybook with construct .

    I'm sure there will be people out there creating interactive storybook games with C2, it's a genre gaining fresh attention these days, and programs such as these make it easier and more accessible for everyone, . It all depends on the kinds of player interaction you want to make as to how hard certain things might be.

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