How do I create 1 instance on 1 of several created objects?

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Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • This is how I am handling my stars being created and pinned to the disks.

    What I would like to do is, when X amount of LG disks have been destroyed, create 1 Golden Star on a single LG disk.

    There are 2 LG disks in that family, 1 is created above the layout and moves at 90 degrees, the other is created below the layout and moves at 180 degrees.

    I can't figure out how to create that 1 Golden Star on a single 90 degree disk or a single 180 degree disk.

    Any suggestions?

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  • StarBlueLG needs their own ON CREATED outside the sub events.

    But I would not use pin if I were you.

    I'd do this instead:

    Every Tick | StarBlueLG Set Position to: LGDisk(Self.IID).X ; LGDisk(Self.IID).Y

  • I'd do this instead:

    Every Tick | StarBlueLG Set Position to: LGDisk(Self.IID).X ; LGDisk(Self.IID).Y

    Not when you have 30+ disks on screen. It bogs the fps down. And i need the pin cause if the ball has a power-up i need the power-up to suck the nearby stars in.

    And sorry, this doesn't really answer my question. But thank you for the reply.

  • I don't know. I would think 30+ disk all of which have simultaneous pinning would slow down more than simple instance positioning.

    My one event in the previous post should save you another For Every statement. That's 2 events.

    Could you upload capx so we can test?

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